A Multicultural ABC Adoption Picture Book

From Midwest Book Review: “Truly a multiple-award winning book about the experience of adoption, “ABC, Adoption & Me” breaks new ground in the field of adoption experience integration. Useful for children, families, caretakers, and teachers, “ABC, Adoption & Me” offers positive presentations of...

Annoyed, Blamed, Cried, Drooled, etc., an ABC of Feelings

An Annoying ABC weaves a delightful “domino” story: each action precipitates a subsequent reaction.  Once “Adelaide annoyed Bailey,” mayhem ensues—in alphabetical order no less! This book hits the mark on several levels. It helps kids expand their vocabulary while enjoying the antics of this delightful cast of characters. An Annoying ABC can assist adoptive parents in teaching their children how to name and handle their big feelings. Imagine your child pretending each feeling and then your guessing which one he is portraying--lots of opportunity to be silly while discussing important emotion-management skills. I rate it a five-star read.

Helping Kids Size Themselves Up

Children love to place their hands and feet beside a parent’s limbs and assert that they are almost as big as Mom or Dad. What I love about You Are (Not)Small by Anna Kang is that it taps into this touch point of childhood. With delightful illustrations by Christopher Weyant, it deftly and humorously, highlights that size is relative... He is both little and big!

The Legend of Robert Cofresi: A Puerto Rican Hero

Young readers will enjoy learning about Puerto Rican hero, Roberto Cofresí's adventuring on the seas, seizing treasure and burying it. Some might imagine themselves as treasure hunters seeking Cofresí’s still undiscovered hidden treasure. Such grand adventures might spark an interest in acquiring the science.

“No Two the Same—All Beautiful” A Timeless Message of Hope

“Snowflakes Fall” dwells on timeless moments in childhood—first snowfalls and the return of spring flowers. The simple metaphor of the cycle of life comes across free of any heavy-handed moral. The refrain: “No two the same—-all beautiful,” repeats, reminding readers of the value of each individual, whether it is children, snowflakes, etc.

12 Benefits of an Adoption Lifebook

A lifebook says, “Your story begins before adoption and because we love you, we value the history of your life from the beginning. We do not expect or require you to wipe the slate clean in order to embrace our joint life.”

10 Great Things about Story Time: Beyond the Simple Page Turn

Books open a window onto a wider world. This allows children to learn how other kids think about and handle their adoption. This introduces them to their adoptive peer group which helps them understand they are not the only one in the adoption "boat." They also discover that adoption, like families can take many shapes and look quite varied.

Authors Support National Adoption Month

t is appropriate that we celebrate National Adoption Month during this season of Thanksgiving. As parents, we have been entrusted with the privilege to raise children born to other women. We love and nurture them with an awareness that our greatest joy: their presence in our families--began in significant loss for them. This year while giving thanks for your many blessings, remember the birth parents who made such a commitment of faith in us. Continue your education as high AQ--Adoption-attuned--families. Deepen your understanding of the unique needs that adoption creates in a family. Live and love with an eye to the joy of the present moment and a heart filled with empathy, kindness and respect. Books offer a great resource to adoptive families for strategies, a sense of community or a great read for the children. These authors write about the journey that is adoption and as a National Adoption Month Special, the kindle versions will be available for $.99

“Forever Fingerprints”–A Legacy

The wonderful adoption classic, Forever Fingerprints by Sherrie Eldridge is being reissued by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. An adoptee and a staunch advocate for adoptive families writes, who LIVES the adoption journey, Sherrie connects with adoptees’ hearts and validates their experience. Forever Fingerprints, a picture...