Planting Seeds. Harvesting Change. Making Choices.

When we plant seeds, we shape the future. When we harvest, we choose with whom to share. Choices shape the future and determine who will benefit. We can guard out bounty, keeping it only for ourselves. Or we can share and benefit others. These women chose to make adifference in their own lives as well as the lives of others,

Embracing Differences and Finding Home

Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima features Kelp, the eponymous narwhal who can clearly see that he is quite unlike the rest of his family and friends. His tiny horn, his fluffy tail, his atypical skills even his food preferences all differ dramatically...

Birthday Celebration, Tree-style

Americans celebrate many beloved holidays  During February we mark Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, and Groundhog Day.  Jewish people celebrate an additional holiday, Tu B’Shevat, “The New Year of the Trees or “the Birthday of the Trees.” In 2017,  Tu B’Shevat is observed from sundown...

Kids Find Inner Lion: the Strength of the Hero Within

Inside of each of us lives an Inner Lion. Sometimes he is dormant but he is always there waiting for us to tap into our powerful potential. Even adults often struggle to remember this "hero within." It's vital to help children discover their Inner Hero.which exists in all of us regardless of our stature or age. These books highlight the power children have to efect change, sstand up for themselves and appreciate their unique abilities.

Families: Each is Special and Unique and Deserves Respect

teacher asks the class to share what each student feels makes their family special. Told through the words of a little girl, the story begins, "I went last because..." What a powerful opening. Who among us hasn't wanted to go last because we feared not fitting in or felt our situation was something to be embarrassed by, ashamed of, or which others might find inferior in some way? I'm guessing as children we all had some of these kind of moments. (Perhaps even as adults, we've had times when our stomach clenched as we imagined how others might judge our looks, our homes, our families ... us.)

We Are All Born Free

We Are All Born Free: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights edited by Amnesty International illustrated by several award-winning and world-famous artist. It affirms the fundamental rights of all human beings in simplified a child-friendly version. The book builds on this foundation...

Marisol Rhymes with Parasol

Marisol rhymes with parasol which conjures images of brilliant sunshine. Marisol McDonald, the charming heroine of this series delivers a similar warm and sunny lift. She delights in her quixotic and colorful approach to life. She exudes confidence which provides her an umbrella...