Gayle H. Swift as Contributor
Featured Online Articles
Physical Publications

FWA Collection #3
Let’s Talk

FWA Collection #4
It’s a Crime

FWA Collection #6
Flash Fiction Genre
- Innocence of the Guilty, 2014 Royal Palm Literary Award Winner for pre-published Flash Fiction
- Dial Tone, 2012 Royal Palm Literary Winner for pre-published Flash Fiction
Poetry Genre
- How Novel, 2014 Royal Palm Literary Award Winner for pre-published poetry
- Crucible, 2013 Royal Palm Literary Award Winner for pre-published poem
Picture Books Genre
- Dragonella’s Striped Umbrella, 2012 Royal Palm Literary Award Winner for pre-published picture book
- Rectangle Jangle, 2012 Royal Palm Literary Award Winner for pre-published picture book
- Triangle Traces, 2012 Royal Palm Literary Award finalist for pre-published picture book
- Ovals High, Ovals Low– 2012 Royal Palm Literary Award finalist for pre-published picture book