Children and the Fight for Social Justice

oungest Marcher by Cynthia Levinson and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley Newton introduces the remarkable story of how children helped amplify the tide of the civil rights movement. This book is sure to impress young readers with an understanding that even children can stand up for what is right. Kids can work for social justice in ways both large and public as well as small and personal.

The Climb to the Top

I loved climbing trees as a child, that exhilarating, terrifying race to the top. I can still remember the thrill of reaching hand over hand until I found myself high in the canopy of leaves. The world appeared smaller, less...

Relationships Comfort across Time and Space

We yearn to have witnesses to life events—whether it is to celebrate, encourage or, comfort. Joy shared is joy multiplied. Fear shared is fear halved. Sun Kisses, Moon Hugs offers an engaging metaphor that can reassure little ones that the connections that tie us to the people we love endures across distances of time and space. That they can be invisible witnesses to their lives. 

Marisol McDonald Series Celebrates Being Unique

Highlights the adventures of Marisol. Her rich ethnic ancestry (Peruvian-Scottish-American) & penchant for quirkiness make an interesting, colorful & fun perspective. Most of us--whether we're a child or an adult--admire spunk and the ability to be comfy in our own skin. Still, the struggle to find acceptance and to fit in is real, especially for kids.
Every Family Is Unique

Every Family is Unique Stella Brings the Family written by Miriam B. Schiffer and illustrated by Holly Clifton-Brown features a little girl facing a dilemma: she has no mommy to bring to the school  Mother’s Day celebration.  Stella has two fathers but no...

Get Dirty and Have Fun

This post will review two fun stories that will tempt kids to turn off their electronic devices, go outside, get dirty and have fun. Humor will engage their attention. Carries an important message of the importance of hard work and persistence, a robust imagination and good friends. It is a bonus to get dirty and have fun in the process.
Let the party—and the Learning Begin!.Let's Celebrate Holi

Let the Party—and the Learning Begin!

Kids will delight in discovering a holiday that provides the perfect excuse for drenching themselves and others in brilliant color, hurling buckets of water, exuberant dancing and, watching bonfires. While these elements will certainly grab their attention, children will simultaneously absorb information about the story behind the festivities. This knowledge will help build a foundation of awareness of and respect for, the traditions and beliefs from other cultures. This is a delightful and engaging book which help awaken interest in other cultures and will broaden their cultural awareness.

One Family of Man

One Family by George Shannon and Blanca Gomez presents a fascinating introduction into counting with a twist. The reader meets many types of family; each is one example of one kind of family. We discover that a family can include a range of individuals, colors, ethnicities, and even species and still be one family! This offers a delightful riff on inclusion when it comes to recognizing the many types of families that are common today--and a few more unusual ones. The concept is clear: each is one example of a family.